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Dear [[Your Name Here]],
Empty, Isn't the word! Love haha more like lust. How can you love someone when you can't even love yourself so if I'm not loving I'm lusting but I'm covering it up with the word love. Like a wolf in sheep clothing and i have a mask. If you think I'm loving you I'm just lusting you so know you will feel empty after things settle and the storm clouds roll back. The ocean will be settled but you will be swept away with the hurricane of my existences. Twisted together we cause so much damage because I will give you all of me and you are empty but I am destruction and a two halves don't make a whole we become a twister and tornado destroying everyone and everything in our paths. I will use you up to do my dirty work and make you think..hey [[ your name here]] you know i love you I would never hurt you, you know that right?

Signed Lust i mean Love,
The Lies of this World


How can i face you

When the thoughts in my mind are turning distastful

How can i touch you

When it leaves me feeling so disgraceful

Leaving me afraid to embrass you

Because to feel your body on my body when our bodies connect

My mind is saying PLEASE get off of me because the more we intwine the more i regret

It wasnt worth wanting to have someone to hold at night

Because the war that im battling inside is becoming to hard to fight

Some people say this type of love comes from the heart

But physical type of love is what tears me apart...

Leaving me brused up shattered broke down feeling no good

Causing my mind is scream turn back the hands of time but there's no way i could

Its like im opening wounds that healed long ago

And the pain is like a venom that is killing me slow

Then the feeling of my soul is ripped out my chest

And the thought of what my God would say is making me soo Stressed

This is not how its suppose to be

Asking God for forgiveness on this issue shouldnt be my plea

Cause inside my bodies screaming im worth more then this

Its either you help me stop this war or its you im going to miss...


Proverbs 6:25-26

25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty

or let her captivate you with her eyes.

26 For a prostitute can be had for a loaf of bread,

but another man’s wife preys on your very life.

What will you do when Lust comes Knocking at your door. Because oh man lust looks so good just the way you like it. Smells good,pleasurable, makes your mouth water. You will get in this high so high that you are feeling that this is love. But then you wake up like what just hit me feeling you just got hit by a two by four. Where did you go wrong i was trying so hard to keep lust out. Is what you will tell yourself not even realizing you let lust in. So we must find ways to keep ourselves from slipping back to these ways. Please look at my bible study lesson on building healthy relationships in Christ.

Building Healthy Relationships Within Christ

Weekly Challenge: Write 3 list one is a list of your values, the next will be a list of your morals, and then of your boundaries that you refuse to compromise about yourself when it comes to building healthy relationships with people.

Example: Value: I love Jesus and Jesus is important to me if you have any type of relationship with me you must know I refuse to change that.

Example Morals: I want to remain celibate until I get married and If I never get married I still want to remain celibate.

Example: Boundaries: I don’t want anyone talking to me or trying to grope me in any sexual or disrespectful way ( I refuse to be seen as a piece of meat and not as a human being)
Ice Breaker: Is to start a Short List below to begin your Challenge.




Read Daniel Chapter 3 (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) This is the story of 3 Hebrew Boys who could either stand up for what was right(standing up for God) or crumble under pressure to be thrown in the fiery furnace to death. They decided to do what was right and stand up for God!

Question: When the heat rises will you stand up for your Values, Boundaries, and Morals?

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Living on this earth we all try to build relationships with tons of people. These Relationships can be with God, work, on our jobs, in school, social places, within our families, with our children, as well as our spouse. The bible says in 1: John 4:8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. If we cannot love God when he is love how can we love those around us who are searching for what God is [[ LOVE]].

So often we have fears that come with building relationships with people because any and all relationships can leave you feeling vulnerable. The bible in 1 John 4:18 -There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. So we must learn to love the way God originally intended us to.

Today’s society has lessened the boundaries that we hold for each other. Many people no longer care about their Morals, Values, Nor do they set Boundaries for themselves. Or a lot of us just compromise our values and lessen everything we stand for because having a certain relationship in our lives even if it is destructive to ourselves is better than [[Nothing]].

Question: Is there a relationship in your life on the job, school, friendship, family, parent, and spouse, whichever the relationship is that is very damaging to you?
1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be deceived: “Evil Company corrupts good habits.”

If you don’t make boundaries on what you will and will not stand for your company will corrupt those values that you have set for yourself.

Something to Think About: If you had a house would you just want someone to come into your house and destroy everything you worked hard for? Or every time you try and tell them to stop after you have allowed them to destroy everything for so long they won’t take you serious at all because you never set boundaries when they first came into your life you let them do whatever you wanted them to. If NO: then why would you just want someone to destroy you, you have made it this far in life to get knocked down and continue to be left with your face in the mud (get up dust yourself off and start over with yourself) If YES: then it’s time that you look deep inside yourself and it’s time to set boundaries for your life and stand by them.

1 Corinthians 6:15-20
Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.” 17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Verse 15-17 when you give your life to Christ you and Christ become one. God becomes what is known as your bride/groom. Like any person who love’s or cares for you when we do wrong we hurt God. Just like in verse 15 when its talks about if you join together with a harlot(prostitute) she is likely to betray you if you catch some type of feeling for them but still you are joined together and your souls become tied. So even if you don’t catch feeling your spirits still connect and can bring harm. That’s what’s it like for God when you do something sinful when you have a connection/relationship with God you hurt God with what you are doing within your body.

Yes this scripture says to flee from sexual immorality but if you know there is something that you value other than sexual sin do not fall for it do what is right.

Example: If someone who is an alcoholic keeps going around those who drink its more likely for them to stumble. Mark 14:38-Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” The Verse says watch because even though you don’t want to do it anymore you have to watch out for those things because we are flesh and though we want to stay strong in spirit we become weak because our flesh can take over.

Relationship Quiz

1. Would you want a relationship with someone who only talks to you when they need
Yes No
2. Would you want a relationship with someone who only talks to you once a day?
Yes No
3. Would you want a relationship with someone who makes no time for you?
Yes No
4. Would you want a relationship with someone who doesn't even mention you when they are with their friends or family?

Yes No
5. Would you want a relationship with someone who doesn't even think about you at all?
Yes No
6. Would you want a relationship with someone who is using you because everything you have?
Yes No
7. Would you want a relationship with someone who only comes around once a week?
Yes No

8. Would you want a relationship with someone who that when you talk to them they ignore you?
Yes No
9. Would you want a relationship with someone who is always cursing you?
Yes No
10. Would you want a relationship with someone who is always lying saying they will change but keep doing the same things over and over?
Yes No
11. Would you want a relationship with someone who is cheating on you?
Yes No
12. Would you want a relationship with someone who looks at other people in a lustful way?
Yes No
13. Would you want a relationship with someone who as soon as times get hard they turn their back on you?
Yes No

If your answer to all these questions is No: Then why would you think God wants his relationship with you to be that way?

Copyright©  2011 More Than Rubies Ministry - All Rights Reserved


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