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Showing posts from March, 2013
Search My Heart Lord! Joshua 6:20-21  So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city. 21  And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Jericho a strong hold was defeated! Victory was the the children of Israel. They were now able to take over the promise land and create change! Even though the promise land had stuff in there their they were to destroy everything. You can't move forward if you still have somethings messed up in you life they could hinder you from future victories! Like in Chapter 7 when Joshua went to go up against Ai and they lost because someone took somethings from Jericho and they lost the bat
ONLY GOD CAN FIX THIS se·clud·ed    Adjective (of a place) Not seen or visited by many people; There are days where you ask God to fix things that seem impossible. You dont even feel that they should be fixed sometimes because they  just seem like they are to hard to fix.The bible says   Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. I need to be fixed and only God can fix me. Like the woman with issue of blood!(  Mark 5:25-34)  She dealt with her issue for 12 years yet no one who tried to fix her bleeding could stop it. She was cut deep see it was like she had an open wound that just wouldnt heal.  I bet she wanted to go on with her life and just live normally. Yet she couldnt because she had an issue of blood which deemed her as unclean. Just imagine her having to just stay away from people because her issue just wouldnt leave. I bet she wanted to just hug people, or love people, or
Let God Write Your Story! Jeremiah 33:3   Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. It's funny how God knows things about our lives that we don't even know! He wants to show us things in which he has for our lives. If only we would just call out to him! He is ready to show us what he has instore! Any story starts off with blank pages. Yet not with God he already knows! Yet in your life the page maybe blank there maybe alot of mystery but if you walk with God the more you walk with him the more the pages unfold.  God already know's what your future holds. Thats why sometime he will give some people visions of their future because he see's it. You look at Jeremiah 33:3 God said call unto him and he will show you things you knowest not. The only way God can show you things you knowest not is because he already knows! Your page maybe blank but his pages on your life are filled! He already ha
Unworthy Insecurities in·se·cure    /ˌinsiˈkyo͝or/ Adjective (of a person) Not confident or assured; uncertain  They could see it like I wore it as clothing she is insecure! It's like I  was standing in a court room on my Insecurities on trial.They are like wolves they prey on the weak! I wonder how they knew ?was it written on my face? Back in the day they could tell because my cleavage was always out. You could tell that I was just looking for attention! Like HEY LOOK AT ME! Yet what about when I changed my life and started wearing clothing that didn't give me the sex appeal yet it seemed like they knew! I mean my clothing didn't cover it up because I was still insecure! How did they know? Was it the way I carried myself? Or when I spoke was it something I said? Was it because I'd do whatever they wanted in fear of losing their relationship? Or was it because I couldn't look them in their faces?  I never really ever felt like I was