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Let God Write Your Story!

Jeremiah 33:3

 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

It's funny how God knows things about our lives that we don't even know! He wants to show us things in which he has for our lives. If only we would just call out to him! He is ready to show us what he has instore!
Any story starts off with blank pages. Yet not with God he already knows! Yet in your life the page maybe blank there maybe alot of mystery but if you walk with God the more you walk with him the more the pages unfold.  God already know's what your future holds. Thats why sometime he will give some people visions of their future because he see's it. You look at Jeremiah 33:3 God said call unto him and he will show you things you knowest not. The only way God can show you things you knowest not is because he already knows! Your page maybe blank but his pages on your life are filled! He already has a plan for you you just have to walk in it  and watch it unfold!

Isaiah 46:9-11

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Look at when God first told Joseph in a vision where he would be in his future! He wasnt their yet but he was going to get there God declared that years and years in advance but he got to that place God had envisioned for him! His family who said they loved him betrayed him. Yet that didn't stop Joseph from pushing forward to see how his story unfolded! God had purpose for Joseph God will never show you something and not have it come to pass. God gave him a vision so he had an ending. 

As a writer we all know that with blank pages soon it becomes filled with thoughts.  Think about Ezekiel as God sat him in the midst of a valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37. The land was had no hope! In it and unless you can really believe what God is trying to show you then there is never going to be any hope! I remember God gave me a vision on the alter he showed me his hand over my marriage, and my future husband and children. At the time I didn't believe. He asked me can these dry bones live and honestly I didn't believe! Only because I didn't believe anyone could love me! Yet God doesnt show you something if he can't do it! Nothing is impossible for God for those who believe! I mean i wanted a happily ever after type love story! Can these dry bones live type love story. Yet not many people like the journey they only like the destination. The story starts off okay then crashes in the middle and gets amazing in the end. I mean Can this valley of dry bones live? Can this blank page become a story with a happily ever after?

Believe in Love 


  1. Accept (something) as true;

Believing is the first step to making something come to life. You can have something in front of you your whole life but if you don't believe it's true it wont matter. Like Christ you can hear Jesus your whole life but if you dont believe then you will never see! It's like a Writer If they don't believe that the pages can be filled with something then that's it the story has ended!Yet I refuse to let my story end!


Man my whole life I never believed in love! Love not real i use to say! Yet love is real! God is love first! Yet then when you learn how God loves its hard to believe people love. Yet people love! PEOPLE LOVE! GOD LOVES!

Genesis 29:18

18 And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.

Do you see that Jacob loved Rachael! He loved her! He loved her! That's so beautiful! To realize the love a man can have for a woman! I never thought men really loved woman! I played the harlot wouldnt really let anyone love me to afraid to let love in! Yet you know that look when you look at him when you see the gleam in his eye that it's like your the only girl in the world. That was Rachael any other girl could come around but she would never compare because Jacob loved her! Jacob loved her! He was going to serve seven years for her! She had his heart! It was hers  and only hers <3 Even after being forced in to Marrying her sister Leah Jacob wasnt going to be happy until he got Rachaels heart! 

There use to be a time about a year ago that I would never believe people love! Or that love outside of JEsus was real but it is. I remember the day I met him he was different he never asked me for my number until I offered to give it to him.He always had time to talk to me when I needed to. The first person I could let my hair down with in a long time.He was different I had no clue and couldnt understand why? I remember when he picked me up from the airport the first time his smile so big! I bought him a card and he wanted to show his mother because it meant so much to him. He wanted to bring me to meet his family. He wanted to show me off to all his friends like I was a trophy proud of what he had won.He studied me knew my habits. I was his prize! I didnt understand it but he was in love! I spent a whole year pushing love away I mean how much do you take before you finally say thats it! BLIND TO IT ALL, BLIND TO THE FACT THAT I WAS LOVED.Even though things happened how they did I know I was loved!Yet it helped me to believe in love!

I was loved!

Sometimes its hard to move forward because you pray that the story could have ended different but it didn't. I can't go backwards that chapter has been closed.  I understand love and next time I will be ready!So what next?

Closing the Chapter?

 You know those once upon a time there was a.. Fairy tale stories! They start off great have a rough middle but end wonderful! Like a love and basketball story! Life is not the same without you DOUBLE OR NOTHING!! Im so sappy! Yet that's never my life once the chapter ends once you learn you lost someone wonderful it's to late and it's over!

So whats next? Whats the title of the next chapter? It's hard to think about replacing someone I really don't want to replace. How can you replace the irreplaceable? You cant! Reconciliation is what I wish could be the title of the next chapter could be!!! Yet I did some pretty deep damage! Yikes!

A year ago I did a lesson on being unequally yoked. I  used the example of Tamar as Amnon how she had her purity and he was a sinful man who wanted her lustfully. Well he plotted for her body and once he got what he wanted he left her outside the door. The bible even said in 2 Samuel 13:1 That Amnon loved her! So he plotted to sleep with her!Yet the second he layed with her he he hated her! Kicked her out of his house and bolted the Door! She was devastated!  

2 Samuel 13:17-20

17 Then he called his servant that ministered unto him, and said, Put now this woman out from me, and bolt the door after her.18 And she had a garment of divers colours upon her: for with such robes were the king's daughters that were virgins apparelled. Then his servant brought her out, and bolted the door after her.19 And Tamar put ashes on her head, and rent her garment of divers colours that was on her, and laid her hand on her head, and went on crying.20 And Absalom her brother said unto her, Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee? but hold now thy peace, my sister: he is thy brother; regard not this thing. So Tamar remained desolate in her brother Absalom's house.

adjective, verb
Definition: (adj.) 1. deserted and bare; 2. alone and without hope; 3. showing the effects of abandonment and neglect; (v.) 1. lay waste to or ruin something; 2. to leave somebody in loneliness

I mean here is this woman and she is now left to be alone for the rest of her life dealing with her issue. Yet it never talks about what happened to her after that! So I always wondered what happened to her? Did she have a life after that? or did she just remain alone.  In those days you needed your purity to get a husband! Was anyone going to love her because her brothers lust? What happened to her after that? It never says! 

I keep getting the Word and It came to pass. Yet the other day I got the word and it came to pass after this. I wrote it in my journal well Lord What is after this?  Its how i feel because like I said I wish reconciliation was the next part in my book. To finally be free to love and the  one person you  want to love is hurt and your the one who did the damage. Whats the next chapter? What comes after?

And it Came to Pass, After This?

             During the period of time following

Did you ever really understand the words and they lived happily ever after? It means they lived happily after some rough times! Boy meets girl they fall in love something bad happens to get inbetween them and then they come back together to be in love! So romantic right?  It's like no matter what got inbetween them was never strong enough to separate each other from how they really felt because the love is always stronger  then the issue that separates them! It's like they get a second chance at love! I talk about Hosea all the time but his love for Gomer was great he loved her she went out played the harlot but in the end he loved her! Kind like God he loved us and though sin separated us from him he sent Jesus to reconcile us back to him so that we could have a happily ever after! Once we are redeemed by Christ we can be saved from the fall in the garden which brought sin in the world. Then once we get Christ we get the promise of heaven! Think about it Christ is the groom and the Church is the Bride and oneday he gets to marry cleave together with his bride after the sin after  what separated them! You think about Tamar the reason why Tamar's brother hated her because he never had intentions to marry her he was just lusting after her! Even Tamar begged for him to marry her but he wouldnt.  They were unequally yoked because there was sometype of disbelief! He didn't believe she was worthy after he defiled her enough  to be his wife. Yet the reason Jacob married Rachael is because he loved her with a real love! See love doesnt change just because things happen! Amnon feelings changed towards his sister because he didn't love her! Rachael still married Jacob after being with her sister because she loved him! That didn't stop her that didn't stop him!They both still believed that after everything they went through they were for each other.  They were both dedicated to get to each other's heart no matter what it took!  Love Never Fails!

A Second Chance At Love

1 Corinthians 13:8

 Love never fails. 

Like I said I believe in love. You may say well Jas you guys failed yet I dont see it as a failure real love never fails. A year ago I didn't believe in love and if it wasnt love it would of failed and Id still be in disbelief that people love. Sometimes it takes death to bring life! Defeating hard times to make love stronger! Look at Jesus he died for our sins to give us everlasting life! That's love! 


Look at Rahab! Do you know Rahab was married to a man named Salmon and they had a Son name Boaz! Rahab had an AFTER!! You know Ruth's Boaz the kinsmans redeemer who gave Ruth her second chance at love! What started my journey was the shedding of tears telling God NO ONES GOING TO LOVE A WOMAN LIKE ME I USE TO BE A PROSTITUTE AND IM TO DAMAGED TO BE LOVED! So I vowed him if he would give me a child that id give him back to him in hopes that maybe someone would love someone like me back then before he started to heal me! God heard my cry! Just like he heard the cry of Rahab behind her walls! She was set free! She was free to love and not just play the Harlot! She had a chance to have her own family! Look at  Boaz he feLl in love with  a stranger like Ruth just because he probably understood what its like to be an outsider. He loved a stranger because In the bible Harlots are known as strange woman! Strange different from the others! His mother was a different from the rest of the world yet i bet he knew God loved her because he didn't forget about her. Just like with Ruth I bet what stood out to Boaz was the fact that she was different not in the sense of a harlot like his mom but she stood out other than the rest of  the woman in his town! Boaz understood the value of a woman who was different from others! Tho these two woman were different they both HAD A HAPPILY EVER AFTER! A SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE!

A recently just got a new journal. I can't skip any pages, Yet just write about what I see as God is unfolding my life. I can't wait to see how these blank pages get filled in and show how Gods bringing my life back to life!I will keep you updated on what God does as he starts to restore my life!!!


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