
Proverbs 7:10Then out came a woman to meet him,
dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.
- 1.a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.
Honestly prostitution is easy money. Men love sex!( not male bashing just what ive seen in my life experiences walking down this road of prostitution) Alot are not willing to reject a woman whose ready to spread their legs. Some will but even the people ud least expect are willing to pay for play. Sex sells!Alot of men have fetishes, pay to pleasure, pay to be pleasured. Its the reality that we live in . Honestly its easy money. Fast cash. Right now what im making working 80 hours a week i could make in a few hours. Because prostitution is easy money and men love sex.
Desperate times Call for Measures
Desperate times Call for Measures
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